The Ballona Wetlands near the heart of Silicon beach is an ecological reserve treasure. The bordering cities are Marina Del Rey, Playa Del Rey, Culver City, Westchester and Playa Vista. This new project is personal and exciting! Finally 600 more acres of beautiful nature with easy access for bicyclists, pedestrians, and handicapped to enjoy with less impact while preserving the natural beauty. This give us a safer alternative to getting out of our cars and be able to have easy access to local communities. This state proposal creates 6 miles of new foot trails and nearly 4 miles of bike paths and will create the second largest nature habitat in the City of LA! Yay!
The Exceptional Public Access Plan for the Ballona Wetlands
The State's Proposed Restoration creates 6 Miles of New Foot Trails and nearly 4 Miles of Bike Paths, all Accessible from Multiple Points
By David W. Kay, Patch Contributor | | Updated
People most intimately familiar with the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve tend to focus on the wildlife benefits of the state's coming restoration project. As a member of Los Angeles' community of environmental professionals, I've often questioned supporters and peers about why they shy away from touting the public access and recreational benefits of this fantastic "undevelopment" project.
My sense from them is that many restoration advocates, particularly naturalists, view public access as a risky proposition for wildlife, if not well-regulated. In my opinion, these fears are unfounded and in fact, public access at recently completed large wetland restorations proves otherwise (1,2,3).
When completed, the proposed Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project (Link 4) will create nearly 6 miles of new pedestrian-only trails, including approximately 2,000 feet of elevated boardwalks to allow visitors to walk next to the wetlands and get close-up wildlife views. Trails would have native plants on either side where possible, and include signs and resting points with seating. The boardwalks will be specially designed to accommodate disabled persons. Just not that into wildlife? Then just come and have a picnic, read a book, or paint a canvas.

Two east-west bike paths, instead of the current single one on the north Ballona Creek levee, would connect with the Coastal bike path at the Beach – one north and one south of Ballona Creek. Also, we'll get a brand new bike and pedestrian bridge over Ballona Creek next to Lincoln Boulevard, separated from car traffic, so folks who live south of the creek will no longer have to navigate the hair-raising Lincoln Blvd. car bridge to access the bike paths. See the entire trails plan view below. Right click on the image to open in a new tab and see the details.
Fenced overlooks along paths and trails will provide views and information about the Ballona Reserve (see figure below). Overlooks would include informational and directional signage in some locations. Benches to accommodate small groups also would be included in some locations (for your picnic).
Three monument signs will be built at critical street intersections to identify the Ballona Reserve to passing vehicles, cyclists, or by pedestrians. The signs would be placed on the southwest corner of Lincoln Boulevard and Fiji Way, the northwest corner of Culver Boulevard and SR-90 off ramp, and on Culver Boulevard, north of Nicholson Street.
Since state law allows only well-regulated access to Ecological Reserves, most of the Ballona Reserve is presently not accessible except via guided tours conducted by a few non-profit organizations. This will all change with the state's project, which allows the public to freely travel a broad network of established trails and paths, but prohibits any off-trail access. Rangers on patrol will ensure folks stay on trails, keep dogs on leash and follow other rules and regulations customarily established for natural areas.

Scores of coastal wetlands have already been restored in California, pursuant to the Coastal Act and funded by bond measures repeatedly approved by voters. At most of these sites, well-regulated trails and paths replaced old "social trails" which the public had worn into the landscape in a helter-skelter fashion.

Many studies showed these social trails potentially impacted wildlife, but the impacts were eliminated once fenced, signed and properly maintained trails were provided as replacements. Even absent ranger patrols, people tended to police each other in wildlife areas, studies show. During sensitive breeding periods, some trails are temporarily detoured to protect wildlife at critical times. This will be the case at Ballona as well.

If you look forward to the recreational benefits of the Ballona Project, it's important to let your elected representatives know. Don't let a vocal minority speak for you! Send an e-mail to L.A. City Councilman Mike Bonin at, and tell Mike you "support approval of the state's plan to restore Ballona to a full tidal wetland, including proposed public access." Councilman Bonin will represent our interests on the state's proposed restoration plan.
Look forward to packing the kids or dogs in the car on a Sunday morning and having a nice picnic walk at the "Great Park." Enjoy your Ballona Wetlands!